Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A fox!

Well I always used to think I was a very light sleeper, always waking up quickly from incongruent noises in the night. Lately I haven't been so sure, but this morning maybe proves I still am a light sleeper. 

It is 4am, and I have just been woken up by the rooster at the house I am house sitting at this week. Normally the rooster starts crowing between now and 5 am, I just ignore him.
This morning though a very agitated sound is coming from the chicken coop. It is a hard sound to describe but it has urgency and fright in it. This is what I wake up to and for some reason instead of just ignoring "that stupid chicken", I bolt up from my bed and look out the window just in time to see a glimpse of reddish fur/hair at the top of the yard heading down towards the chicken coop....a fox! I yell out the window and the fox pauses but doesn't run away so out if my room I bolt grabbing a jacket along the way. I run out clapping and making noise and watch the run back up the hill, melting into the background...
I check the chickens, both are okay, a bit agitated but the rooster has done his job. His noise made the fox more hesitant (I think) and fortunately, woke me up.

Now to try to catch a few more hours sleep before work.

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