I've written a couple blog posts about this buoy now, mostly because it has been running for so long and because it was starting to head towards me while I am here in Norway. In the last blog post I wrote on the buoy (http://justinbeckers.blogspot.no/2013/08/buoy-300234010730040-still-going-north.html) it was heading up the coast of Norway, and I was hoping it would make it all the way up past Tromsø.
Well the buoy did keep heading north but as you can see it has moved back out into the Atlantic Ocean and away from the coast.
Well...not exactly what I had hoped for, but then I did not really expect what I hoped for to actually happen. But now the buoy will be in an area it has not travelled before. Hopefully it provides some additional insight or useful information to someone sometime. Otherwise it has just been cool to see this little buoy's adventures. It's too bad it has no way to measure wave heights or something, that would be great....hmm..something to think about when tinkering with my Arduino I guess.
Okay well my dinner is done, want to eat and then write some more blog posts, stay tuned.
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