Another EM bird flight today, two actually with mixed results. Good EM data
but the new laser scanner on our bird is causing some frustration for me.
Oh well.
Things on the boat are going quite well. The cruise has finished with the
open water stations (and Mom I even have a stone from 400 or 500m below the
ocean surface for you, since you asked).
Our group does ice observations every 3 hours from the bridge of the ship,
noting the amount/type of ice, the size of the floes and general
meteorological (weather) parameters. Then I am also doing the EM bird
flights, setting up a high quality GPS station on the ship while we fly and
maybe on the ice once we start doing ice stations (which I will also do).
Ice stations involve us going out on the boat, either using the stepway from
the ship or using a small zodiac or the helicopter to go onto the ice. We
take measurements of ice thickness by drilling, EM induction measurements of
ice thickness, snow depth and other properties, and light transmission
through the ice, as well as some other variables.
Things on the boat are okay, I am getting quite used to sleeping in a loud,
bright environment, though I still need earplugs to sleep. My roommate for
the cruise works very different hours than I (often anyways) but this works
out well so far.
So now our ship will continue heading north, and we will keep flying. I am
hoping to do some trouble shooting tonight and tomorrow to get the bird and
laser scanner working better together.
So far I have seen one polar bear (from the helicopter). The risk here
seems much higher as everytime anyone goes on the ice there is a designated
polar bear watcher (this was also the case on the CCGS Larsen) but here
everyone on the science team has had gun/polar bear training.
tonight we had a fancy meal with wine and reindeer (which is delicious).
Will do a bit more processing tonight and then maybe shower/shave and go to
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