Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Curious Bear

Well our bear visitor from the 23rd came back yesterday (24th). He didn't
venture close this time at all. The night of the 23rd we posted a bear watch
on the ship to guard the weather station we put up on the ice. No one on
the watch saw the bear at all that night, then the next day we went back on
the floe to do some more work. I joined after lunch and sure enough the
bear decided to walk near the far far end of the floe. We all stopped work
and went on the ship until we were sure that he was just passing by. This
time he seemed to have no interest in the ship unlike the previous day.

We have all been working really long days lately (I worked 19 hours on the
23rd and about 14 hours yesterday). We've been trying to do more helicopter
EM measurements but fog limits us. Yesterday I got to go along with the
helicopter to check for icing before our EM flight. This was nice as the
pilot could fly as he wanted to and I guess decided to show me a thing or
two as I was staring at the ice through the side window as though it was the
bottom of the helicopter. We did a couple of fast steep turns and some
others as well. Quite nice, a little disconcerting the first time but then
it was okay.

Today we are steaming East to go to some moorings that need to be recovered
and redeployed. However there is a fair bit of ice (as the amount of sleep
I got last night is a testament too). Lance is not an ice breaking ship,
just ice strengthened, so they try to stick to the open water between the
floes, or at least the thin parts (from what they can judge) on the floe.

Well I need to go. It is 6am so it is quiet still and I am going to shower
(it's been awhile) and do laundry.


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