This morning I went to work at 8:00 am, by which I mean I went up 3 floors and down a hall way to my office, living at work has one giant advantage: no commute. Of course, I did not have an office key, so I went back to my room until 8:30 when Sebastian said he'd arrive.
Sebastian Gerland is my supervisor for the Leiv Eiriksson project I am doing. He showed me around NPI and the Fram Center a bit and introduced me to a lot of people. It's always hard to meet many new people, I never remember people's names as I'm trying to give off a good impression and get an impression of them. I also got a key for my office.
I then caught up on some emails, chatted to a few of the people I knew from 2010 and then went to a seminar in the building. After a bit more work/emailing there was another seminar, and then more work.
At about 5pm I left work and went to get some things I needed, another power plug adapter, and some tourist info in case I have some time this weekend. Then I had to get some groceries for supper.
Now, normally I would say that I help with the cooking at home, and I do help, but I do more of the prep than the cooking. In the summer I do the BBQing, and I make the odd supper and the odd thing on the weekend, but I am by no means the main cook or even used to cooking for myself. When Nicole goes away, I plan some meals but usually as simple as possible.
So, it seems I will have to get to used to cooking and planning my meals and everything else. Today, something simple, salmon with penne pasta in a lemon dill cream sauce and some red pepper. It was really quite easy, just cooked up some pasta, fried up some salmon with some lemon juice, pieces of lemon peel and dill. Once the salmon was mostly cooked, I added cream and more lemon juice.
Nicole and I have made something similar before at home and I just added salmon to it. Combined with some apples to eat at lunches or as a snack, it all came out to less than my daily food allowance, and I still have pasta, dill, and cream left over.
Tomorrow until Friday I am attending a workshop where lunches and at least one supper are included. This is nice, because not only will it save me some money on food, which I can use later, the workshop looks to be really great.
Well that is the end of day one. I still have some reading to do in preparation for the workshop tomorrow, so back to it.
Sounds like you are having fun, I trust that by now you know all the movers and shakers @ the Norwegian Polar Institute. Food looks great though I have to admit I am a bit disappointed you didn't post some pics of the cereals :-P.