Friday, June 7, 2013

The First Few Days

Well I arrived here in Tromso on Monday, June 3 at around 8:30pm (see previous posts).  From Wednesday - Friday I joined the Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Sea Ice Modelling and Observing Workshop here in Tromso.  CliC is a core project of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP).  At this meeting, sea ice scientists and modellers were getting together to discuss some of the urgent gaps in the data and the models in order to make our understanding of the Cryosphere more complete.

Small breakout groups with modellers, observationalists, experimentalists, and remote sensing experts got together to identify key knowledge gaps and suggest possible studies and ideas on how to further Cryospheric Research.

For me, it was a good way to see some old friends, make some new ones, meet some of the very important and "big name" researchers in my field and more generally in sea ice research. Most importantly, there was some free food and drinks and lots of interesting talks/discussions.

Of course, this means I have not gotten much else done while here, so I think I will be working this weekend. I have a scholarship application due back in Edmonton, and then I need to try to work on some data/plots for a paper I co-authored that is under revisions.
I have been busy enough with the workshop and with the more social aspects of such a workshop that I have not been to bored or lonely yet.

Today I will have some skype meetings yet with Christian (supervisor), Alec (fellow PhD student in Edmonton) and at least another meeting with Sebastian Gerland. I will then be going for dinner with the CliC Director and a few other big name scientists.

Well I was writing this while my one project hard drive was updating and it is now finished so back to work for me. I will post again this weekend.


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