Hey All,
So here I am in Tromso. I left Edmonton on Saturday, May 29th at 4am (from my house). I got to Tromso at 4pm local time (8am Edmonton) on Sunday, May 30th. It was a long trip with delays, overcrowded planes, and crabby service people. I don't sleep on planes until I get exhausted, so finally on the way from Oslo to Tromso I started falling asleep but by then it was mid-afternoon and I try to force my body to switch to local time by staying up so I did. I went to the icebreaker/registration, had two free drinks and some finger food. As I don't know many people and am shy I didn't talk to many new people but i did see some familiar faces. Christian has also introduced me to some of the senior scientists.
So Sunday nights sleep was good despite waking up numerous times. On Monday the conference opened and the day was filled with good talks. We had a nice lunch (fish, rice) and another free drink. There are also numerous coffee/snack breaks throughout the day. Didn't do much Monday night besides eat a cold supper of some bread with cheese and meet and a salad that I made at the grocery store.
Food is expensive here, very expensive, as are drinks so yeah I am trying to like like a hermit.
It is absolutely beautiful here, there is fresh snow on the surrounding mountain tops. The conference has been really good, lots of interesting talks, good food, nice people and I'm feeling less tired.
Today was my first poster session. I actually had a fair number of people come by and ask me about it (some where doing it for the student poster award (which I won't win)), but others were just genuinely interested. I met some top researchers, discussed my work and even the possibility of future work.
Tonight we may go out for some cheapish food and drinks as it is Ben's birthday. I'm not really keen to go spend money but I should have some fun, right?
Otherwise, tomorrow is my bus/boat cruise so expect pictures the following day. Otherwise I have little to report. Tromso is expensive, but the people are friendly.
Well that is it for now.
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